
Imprint is a way to measure the changes we do in the World. The real changes based on events happen because of us.

Web Tree inside uses Imprint as a reward system. People with higher Imprint get priority over people with lower for getting access to limited resources. And Circles get more Impact for providing goods to people or Circles with higher Imprint.

Limited resources and limitless wants are the basic economic problems.

In the Web Tree, we split this one problem into two:

Access limitation

When you create some goods and there is no way to give them to everyone who wants it, you need to decide who will get them and who don't.

In the financial system, the "winning strategy" is in increasing the price until the number of people who want the goods will be equal to your "capacity".

In Web Tree, we can use a similar strategy for limitation - set a minimum Imprint level. With one key difference - the only reason to create an access limitation is your limited capacity. There is no sense to set up any limitations if you have more "supply" than "demand" from people. Or if we're talking about intellectual property and there is no cost for you to provide access to any number of people.


Pressure is the second way for limitation in Web Tree. It's a unique concept in Web Tree.

Each Circle defines the rules of pressure definition. But here is the main "formula": "Circle capacity" divided by "how hard to serve a concrete person in a concrete moment".

Let's show a couple of examples:

In the cases when our supply is lower than demand, we start to see a queue for getting access to goods. The most reasonable for the Circle will be ordering the queue by higher Imprint to maximize the Circle's reward.

Reward system

Reward in Web Tree called Impact. In the same way as pressure, Impact distribution can be defined by each Circle. A Circle can define which actions give an Impact, how it will be calculated, and what you will get for the Impact inside the Circle. 

Imprint Circle

Imprint Circle, like all Circles in the Web Tree, has its own internal Impact and Pressure level.

Imprint determines Impact and Pressure between all Circles and people in the Web Tree and aggregates them all in a single value per Circle and person.

When Imprint calculates the Imprint of a Circle then it will distribute the Imprint between people and Sub-Circles. And make additional rewards to parent Circles.

The rules about the size and percentage of the rewards are dynamic and can be changed in the future. So, if someone will find a bug and start to abuse the system, it can bring a profit in short term but the future loss will be much bigger.